Tuesday 27 October 2009

Sad News of The Church in Wales

I am so sad to hear of the massive decline in the number of worshippers of The Church in Wales ( The Anglican Province here). This is a sign of how much we as Christians need to do to reclaim this land of The Saints for Jesus Christ. Despite some growth and stability in some areas the overall picture does not make good reading. There are many good people doing what they can and persevering in keeping and spreading the faith. However,the question has to be asked how this is happening and why now? We will all have our own ideas and answers; these need to be put into the context of what is tearing us and Our Lord apart in our beloved homeland. Is the hierarchy in Cathedral Road, Cardiff and all the different Diocesan Offices with their staffing levels under review to reflect this decline? We've been asking this same question for years and six Dioceses all with their own administration plus the extra tier at Cardiff for a Province smaller than Oxford Diocese seems uneconomic and adding unnecessarily to the Quota ( Parish Share) payable by the worshippers. I see an expensive brochure produced in Welsh and English ( i.e. at double the cost for a miniscule Welsh speaking minority for political reasons)not about spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ and the truths of the faith to the unchurched but about climate change and green issues. These types of misplaced resources and the lack of rationalisation of the administration of the church here demonstrates that change is surely long overdue. You can read a further illustration at David Virtue's site here: http://www.virtueonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=11310

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